The memory code written by Alexander Loyd develops a new approach to healing and personal growth called memory engineering.
In the memory code, the author offers a theory about how our memories work and why they are the true source of our life issues.
The author talks about how healing his childhood memories released his anxiety.
Powerful negative memories don’t just go away once the event is over. Recent studies have proven that even when you’re not consciously thinking about them, they can still affect you 24/7.
This book is going to help you diagnose the real source of your problem— and likely fix it for good.
Memories defined
What the author is referring to as memories is not your ability to remember, to consciously recall facts.
He talks about source memories, created from your life experience, your imagination, and even the subconscious experiences and impressions inherited from many generations of ancestors and passed down to you.
Source memories are the lens through which you see yourself and everything in the world. Everything that happens to you runs through the source memories of your life and ancestry to determine your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions, and even the hormones and physiology of your body. Unfortunately, they’re also prone to errors.
The truth is that our memories make us who we are in virtually every way —and new studies are revealing this more and more every day. We come into this world with a set of inherited memories, and from the time we’re born, we’re interpreting everything through the lens of those memories and making new ones that build on top of one another, so that we learn and develop strategies to stay safe.
Memory code: a few facts
You have memories negatively influencing your life and wrongly making you feel bad.
Over 90 percent of all people carry a belief that is negatively affecting their life experience. More specifically, they have come to the wrong conclusions about critical aspects of their life and circumstances that have created these devastating beliefs.
MEMORY CODE PART ONE: The Great Memory Malfunction
CHAPTER ONE: How Humans Were Designed to Function (But Don’t Anymore)
We are wired for love unless we’re in danger. The purpose of every human mechanism or process is to create a positive result.
95 percent of all disease and illness is caused by stress.
The first thing stress does is turn off your immune system.
If you’re not stressed, your immune system is fully operational, and your cells are capable of resisting and healing any disease or illness—even cancer, according to Lipton’s studies. That seems to lead to an amazing conclusion: healing from stress is the best preventive medicine available. It’s completely free and always accessible to every single one of us.
It may be hard to believe that memories are the source of your biggest problem. If memories define who we are and are the source of why we’re malfunctioning, it’s worth taking a deeper look at how they work.
The author defines source memories as the images we store in our heart, they’re subject to errors that can affect our whole life (as you’ll see below), and they can be healed by the memory engineering process you’ll learn later.
These source memories come from three primary areas: personal experience, imagination, and past generations.
The memories from our personal experience are subjects to errors because of a few factors: fear and early childhood experience.
In fact, many researchers today say that it is actually more accurate to refer to our memories, even of our own experiences, as illusions.
If you go on a beautiful trip to Thailand, you’ll mostly remember the beaches and the beautiful landscapes. A person who got sick doing the same trip will have a very different experience of Thailand.
The fear factor also impacts our personal experience. If you visited the Grand Canyon on a school trip and witnessed a scary accident: someone from your class was leaning against the barrier, the barrier broke, and that person fell and broke his leg? Your experience visiting the Grand Canyon with your family as an adult would be very different, wouldn’t it?
In addition to our personal experience, we also create source memories from our imagination. Our imagination—or what I call our image maker—can create memories that are just as powerful as our personal experience.
Horror movies often create traumas and it later affects a child’s personal experience. You can probably think of a similar example in your own life. Also, memories from movies and our own image maker can be just as powerful as anything we experience.
Memories, especially trauma memories, can actually be passed down from generation to generation through both nature (genetically) and nurture (absorbing or learning memories from our parents or childhood environment).
Groundbreaking research by Rachel Yeshuda, PhD, has substantiated what many of us have guessed to be true. Her studies have shown that descendants of Holocaust survivors have altered stress hormones, making them more prone to anxiety disorders, PTSD, and obesity, among other risks
Our interpretation of the event is another component that influences the memory. We have to understand that our memories are more like illusions.
CHAPTER THREE: The Devolution of Memory
Dr. Loyd argues that while our memories evolved over millennia of human experience; it’s not evolution, it is devolution.
This devolution shows up in these four key areas: the meaning of life and death, our inherited genetic memories, our inherited learned memories, and the interpretations of our memories.
The devolution of the meaning of life and death
As our programming always prioritizes fear memories, we have devolved to a place where almost anything could be related to a meaning of die or kill, trigger our life-or-death response, and initiate stress, negativity, and selfishness.
Our language is both a symptom and a cause of the devolution. On one hand, if you find yourself saying or thinking, “This is killing me” or “I’m dying here” on a regular basis, it might be a sign that you actually do have a life-or-death memory triggered by your current circumstance.
The devolution of our inherited memories
The second part of the devolution has to do with our accumulating genetic trauma memories. You’ve got shades of every one of the memories that happened to your ancestry in your heart, even if these events never happened to you personally.
The devolution of our memories’ meanings
The final area of the devolution of memory is in our interpretations of our memories. We tend to apply the most negative meaning, or interpretation, to a memory.
The author relates how one of his clients, despite her brilliance and intelligence underperformed at work. Dr. Loyd discovered it all came down to a memory she had from when she was little: her mother gave her sister a Popsicle and didn’t give her one. Her mother even said, “Your sister has finished her lunch. When you finish your lunch, you can have a Popsicle, too.” But as a little girl, her interpretation of that event went something like this: “My mom gave my sister a Popsicle and not me because she loves her more. Once they healed that memory, she very quickly began to succeed at her job.
Sometime between ages six and twelve, we make one of the most important decisions of our life. Alexander Loyd talks about the choice between following the law of externals or the law of internals.
The law of externals
The Law of Externals says that our external circumstances are the most important thing. It means prioritizing your own needs over others, and self-protection over relationships. It’s living a life of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. The governing motive is fear.
But once our prefrontal cortex develops to the point where we are capable of logical thought and conscious choice, we have the capacity for more.
The law of internals
The Law of Internals has us evaluate ourselves by our internal state rather than our external circumstances. The Law of Internals guides us toward an internal state of love over the internal state of fear.
Following the Law of Internals is the only way to be satisfied internally and externally.
CHAPTER FIVE: Why You Can’t Do What’s Best for You
Your survival mind has tricked you into believing you do have control, so you believe these choices are actually yours and entirely justified.
The author goes even further and claims that there’s no such thing as free will.
Our actions are not the result of our free, conscious choice, but of subconscious and unconscious brain activity. When the researchers say you don’t have the free will to choose your thoughts, feelings, and actions, what they’re ultimately saying is that you don’t have the ability to choose the most successful, happiest, and best course for yourself, and for those you love and care about.
We’ve all experienced the simple fact that we do not have full control over our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It’s been going on for a long, long time.
One choice we can make is to greatly reduce our definition of free will, accept that our unconscious runs our lives much like other mammals, and make the most of the limited free will we do have
MEMORY CODE PART TWO: The Memory Engineering Technique
CHAPTER SEVEN: Energy Medicine 101
Everything in the universe boils down to energy.
Energy medicine is based on the recognition that everything is made of energy. Beneath everything we can sense and measure, there’s an underlying energy pattern creating it that has a particular energy frequency. That includes not just our physical bodies, but our thoughts, feelings, and experiences as well. Energy medicine simply means using, adjusting, and changing the energy at the root of any human problem—whether it’s emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, or all of those—to create a positive effect.
CT scans, MRIs, lithotripsy for kidney stones, yoga, tai chi, acupuncture, Reiki, and even some forms of meditation are all energy medicine techniques.
Energy medicine is becoming more mainstream every day.
Dr. Bruce Lipton’s research at Stanford showed that thoughts, feelings, and beliefs (what he called the “environment” of a cell) change physiology.
The author mentions the rice experiment.
The rice experiment shows that human consciousness influences the structure of water with the intention it is given. Why is this possible? Because water has a memory. The work of many researchers points out that water is composed of clusters that are capable of encoding the environment through which it flows.
Energy medicine for memories: memory engineering
As we learned in part 1, our memories are the source of our life experiences: thoughts, feelings, physiology, and behavior—everything.
Changing your memories may be the only way you can truly change your life at the source for the better and sustain it long-term.
So how do we change our memories? If everything is energy, our memories are also made of energy. That means we need a solution that can change energy at the source of the problem.
If you’ve got an energy problem, you need an energy-based solution. We need an energy-based memory changing tool kit or machine. Memory engineering is a specific energy medicine/psychology technique that targets our source memories. And that brings us to the next chapter.
MEMORY CODE CHAPTER EIGHT: Memory Engineering: You Have to See It to Believe It
The idea of using memories to heal the human condition is not new. It’s even how psychology began with Freud, the father of modern psychology. His patients would recount their memories for example.
The author argues that the methods adopted by modern psychology aren’t that effective. It consists only of desensitization, not healing: it’s like having a smaller wound, but the wound is still there and often still infected, which means it will likely get worse again later..
Dr. Loyd would even say that easily over 90 percent of what we call “success” in psychology, medicine, and now life coaching is not really a resolution of the problem.
Actually, talking about and reasoning through your problems is primarily a conscious undertaking. At best, you’re only dealing with the symptoms. The source of the problem is virtually always in the unconscious or subconscious (Dr. Lipton says more than 90 percent of the time) and is actively protected from being healed because it’s labeled as a life-or-death issue.
Memory engineering
Our memories impact our energy, and that coding lives in our physical bodies. Memory engineering is based on the same principle as healing memories. It’s based on the same principle of energy medicine: we hit the negative frequency of the fear-based memory with a positive frequency, primarily by imagining positive memories to counteract the negative memories, with some very important differences that make it much more effective.
The problem lies in the fact that for most people, their overall memory ratio is more negative than positive, primarily because of all the errors in their memories.
If you want to live the best life for you, and truly heal all the problems you know you have, you’ve got to do something to get that unconscious negative ratio at least into the neutral area, if not the positive. You have to. There’s no other way. That’s what I mean by healing your issue at the source.
CHAPTER NINE: The Memory Engineering Technique: Travel Back in Time to Change Your Present and Future
The goal of the Memory Engineering Technique is to shift your overall negative heart ratio to neutral or positive, one issue at a time.
The Memory Engineering Technique is a form of energy medicine that heals both the event and context of your memories by creating positive and/or truthful images to neutralize the negative images, which in turn creates positive, permanent changes in all thoughts, feelings, beliefs, physiology, and behaviors related to that memory. Then you can easily change the conscious interpretations of your day-to-day events.
Our goal with memory engineering is to create new memories that start to move our overall heart ratio from negative to positive, and then change the default memory from fear/falsehood to love/truth. We do that with one issue at a time
Using the memory engineering technique
Pick an issue and rate it from 0 to 10. The issue could be physical or non-physical. It could be your relationship with a person. The author would recommend choosing whatever is bothering you the most.
Get comfortable, take some deep breaths from your stomach, and close your eyes if that helps you focus.
Then address your heart. If you are doing this at home, Dr. Loyd recommends talking out loud to your heart, but you don’t have to if that’s uncomfortable.
Now, create your new imagined memory of the past, substituting the real, negative experience with a positive one. Imagine that. Taste it, touch it, smell it, and stay immersed. Continue until you feel a shift to the positive thoughts, feelings, emotions, and possibly even physical sensations you might feel if it was actually happening in your life.
Now, imagine that the negative issue is not what happened, but what happened is the miraculous thing, the fabulous thing, the incredible thing, the once in-a-lifetime positive thing—again, until you feel that shift.
Imagine that you are exactly where you are, in the present moment, and you are remembering that wonderful, miraculous reality. How does that make you feel in this present moment, as you remember what happened? Imagine that until you feel the shift.
Imagine you are sometime in the future, one year later, ten years later, or even at the end of your life. At that age, you are remembering the wonderful, miraculous reality related to this issue. How would you feel at that point in your life if that was what had actually happened? Imagine it until you feel the shift.
Imagine the current truth about the issue, but without the negative “therefore,” infused with all the positives that can still happen in your life in spite of that issue—again, until you feel the shift.
Go through that sequence, and do each step until you feel it. Maybe one memory you feel after one minute, while another takes you five minutes. That’s okay. It takes however long it takes.
It may seem like this technique has a lot of steps. However, today the author says he can do all of these steps in about two minutes.
Note on the memory code
In the Memory code and particularly the Memory Engineering Technique, we are going to create four new memories that are not true, for programming purposes only, and two that are true. We’re going to ask that the two new true ones become the new default memories for that issue, forever.
For the first four memories which are not true, you have to say “Heart, please accept this next memory for programming purposes only. Never label it as the truth. It is not the truth, and I do not consider it to be the truth. Use it only for shifting negative energy to positive.”
The author of the memory code, Dr. Alexander Loyd recommends immediately starting this process every day on whatever issue you feel is the worst for you.
If you’d like to see a video demonstration of the Memory Engineering Technique, go to
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