Change Your Life in 7 Days

Change Your Life In Seven Days | How to Re-invente Yourself in One Week

Change Your Life In Seven Days, imagine waking up one morning to discover that your life aligns perfectly with your desires. In his 2004 book, “Change Your Life In Seven Days,” Paul McKenna shares his transformative journey spanning 208 pages. 

The captivating title itself, “Change Your Life in 7 Days” prompted me to delve into McKenna’s insights, ultimately inspiring me to crystallize my life goals and establish my own web business.

Change Your Life In Seven Days

Book review and summary of “Change your life in seven days”

Transformation often stems from shifts in perception rather than external changes. Paul McKenna, the author, encourages readers to contemplate their true desires and poses thought-provoking questions. By prompting us to envision an ideal life, he challenges us to consider the profound impact on our emotions, career, relationships, finances, and health.

McKenna emphasizes the importance of taking action in the present, as the person we become in the future is shaped by our current choices. Stagnation results from maintaining the status quo, making it crucial to break free from routine.

The author advocates seizing control over aspects of life within our influence, discouraging futile concerns about uncontrollable factors. In his book, “Change Your Life In Seven Days,” McKenna guides readers through a week-long journey of introspective questions and daily exercises, offering a practical process to assume responsibility for our lives.

Change Your Life in 7 Days: 1st Day: Who are you really? 

Drawing on psychological and historical insights, the author underscores that our actions are a direct reflection of our self-perception. Essentially, our behavior aligns with the image we hold of ourselves; our actions are a manifestation of the person we believe ourselves to be.

The author highlights that investing excessive time and energy in concealing a negative self-image prevents us from living the life we truly desire. The core concept can be distilled as follows: “Our authentic self is akin to a radiant diamond. Life’s challenges may dim its brilliance, prompting us to camouflage it, much like applying nail polish to enhance our outward allure. However, if we take the time to polish the diamond and eliminate the haze, our true nature shines forth, eliminating the need for external embellishments.”

Learn to know yourself then reprogram your self-image for success.

At the outset, the author prompts us with a series of introspective questions designed to reveal our true selves. It involves dismantling the facade we present to the world and uncovering any negative, inhibiting self-images. By doing so, we gain insight into our authentic identity and discover our most genuine, ideal self.

Questions like “Who are you when no one is watching?” and “What would you do differently if you felt perfectly secure?” serve as catalysts for understanding ourselves beyond societal expectations and fears. Paul McKenna advocates for embracing self-discovery by shedding inhibitions and envisioning a fearless existence.

Furthermore, McKenna advocates a transformative process through imitation. By visualizing and mimicking the gestures, words, and behaviors of our “perfect self,” we can authentically become that ideal version. This deliberate imitation becomes the catalyst for tangible changes in our everyday behavior.

While the psychological aspects introduced on the first day may seem abstract, the practical exercises and questions provided by the author throughout the book are concrete and pertinent. Although this summary omits the numerous exercises, it prioritizes understanding the underlying thought processes that motivated the creation of these practical tools.

brain rules book

Change Your Life in 7 Days; 2nd Day: The brain’s user-manual

Master the art of emotional control! Paul McKenna starts by defining emotional states—love, anger, fear, confidence, apathy, curiosity—and emphasizes that they stem not from external factors but from internal processes. These processes, though swift, can be understood through our physiology and internal representations.

McKenna illustrates that by altering our body and physiology—such as adjusting posture, breathing, and muscle tension—we can influence our mental state, leading to different thoughts and feelings. Taking charge of our emotions becomes feasible by learning to change the mental images and thoughts we generate, effectively gaining control over our lives. This skill empowers us to mitigate unpleasant or stressful experiences and enhance positive or beneficial ones.

Drawing a parallel to athletes who undergo both mental and physical training for peak performance, McKenna suggests that with practice, we too can influence our mental state when it matters most. This enables us to access a toolkit of resources for situations demanding our best selves.

The author demonstrates a method to cultivate instant self-confidence and even introduces the concept of a “confidence switch” based on Pavlovian reflexes. This switch allows us to trigger a sense of confidence at will. However, McKenna emphasizes the necessity of regular practice and repetition of visualization exercises for them to yield effective results.

Change Your Life in 7 Days: 3rd Day: The power of a positive perspective

Paul McKenna illustrates how our beliefs have the potential to constrain us and offers insights on avoiding their entrapment.

Our life experiences are profoundly shaped by how we perceive the world. The emotions we feel and the actions we take are largely influenced by the meaning we assign to situations, a perspective molded by our past encounters. Often, when we perceive a situation as negative, it’s because we’re comparing it to what we consider a more favorable scenario.

However, McKenna emphasizes that actively choosing our perception opens up a realm of possibilities and enhances our flexibility. This increased flexibility not only transforms how we feel but also amplifies our ability to influence outcomes in various situations.

Re-evaluating the world positively doesn’t mean turning a blind eye to problems; instead, it entails having enough mental flexibility to shape our perspective in a way that serves us rather than hinders us.

The question then arises: How do we adopt this positive re-evaluative perspective in our lives?

Ask yourself the right questions!

Pose questions that guide us towards constructive solutions, steering clear of those with a negative undertone.

Consider the question: “Why can’t I do that?” This inquiry presupposes an inability to accomplish the task at hand, prompting our mind to search for reasons supporting this presumed incapacity. On the contrary, by asking ourselves, “How can I do it more easily?” we assume capability, envisioning numerous feasible approaches. These assumptions act as a navigational guide, directing our mind to explore avenues for success.

Positive questions prompt our brains to actively seek additional information, fostering a more open and receptive mindset. Drawing inspiration from the insights of Katie Byron, Paul McKenna extends the application of such questions to interpersonal relationships. Rather than attributing selfish motives to people’s actions, he encourages understanding the positive intentions behind their behavior. This shift in perspective allows us to navigate potential conflicts with an open mind, appreciating the viewpoints of others.

Seven key perspectives for success

The author recently delved into the study and collaboration with individuals considered geniuses or extraordinary in various ways. From this experience, he identified what he terms the seven key perspectives for success, all prevalent among these exceptional individuals.

  • You are the expert on yourself: Recognizing that nobody knows you better than you know yourself is a fundamental acknowledgment.
  • You are not broken; there is nothing to “fix”: Dysfunctional behavior often originates from a positive intention that was once relevant but has now outlived its purpose.
  • All the tools for success are already within you: Those living a genius life have mastered the skill of accessing their tools at the right time, setting them apart. “Change Your Life In Seven Days” is a guide to acquiring these tools.
  • You can accomplish everything by breaking tasks into manageable chunks: Training your brain to divide substantial tasks into simple, achievable steps transforms seemingly insurmountable challenges into possibilities.
  • If what you do does not work, do something else: The notion of sticking to familiar methods even in the face of failure is challenged. To produce different results, stepping out of the comfort zone and trying something new is essential.
  • Failure does not exist; only experiences exist: Successful individuals view mistakes and failures as stepping stones to success, recognizing them as hidden opportunities to learn.
  • You are now creating your future: Despite past difficulties, every moment presents an opportunity to make choices and shape new outcomes. The power to create a future lies in the decisions made every day.

Change Your Life in 7 Days: 4th Day: Build your dreams

On the fourth day of the program, the author guides readers in creating a list of objectives. However, the emphasis lies not just on setting goals but on strategically organizing them as a pathway to an enhanced life.

This, I believe, is the core strength of “Change Your Life In Seven Days.” In this particular chapter, the focus is on defining life objectives that serve as stepping stones toward the realization of a better life—one that aligns with our long-held aspirations.

To attain a fulfilling life, three fundamental elements come into play:

  1. A clear direction (your dream): The first essential component involves having a well-defined dream or vision that serves as a guiding force.
  2. A well-aligned compass (your values): The second crucial aspect is ensuring that your values align harmoniously with your chosen direction, acting as a compass to navigate the journey.
  3. Important steps to take on the way to your ultimate destination (your objectives): The third key element involves identifying and delineating crucial steps that need to be taken on the journey toward your ultimate destination. These objectives serve as the actionable roadmap to realize your dream and uphold your values.

So what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Through a series of questions and exercises the author will show us how to achieve our big dream. It will also show us why it is so important to take our values into account. Then we will transform this big dream into life objectives!

However, he stresses that, “knowing your values is excellent because happiness comes from living your values every day, regardless of whether the goals you have set for yourself seem distant or close”.

The most important things in the world: Make a list of them

If you knew the world was ending in a week, what actions would you take? This reflection aids in identifying our five core values, transcending material possessions. These five aspects are the essence that imparts meaning to our lives.

Brainstorming  –  Shake up your thoughts!

Considering our five core values, we will compile a comprehensive list encompassing everything we’ve ever desired—past wants, current aspirations, and future wishes. The emphasis is on crafting this list with a resolute intention to attain these desires, devoid of concerns about feasibility or the specific paths to their realization.

The big dream

Only we possess the profound knowledge of our true desires, sources of happiness, and our purpose in life. By answering these questions and consolidating our responses, we can distinctly articulate our grand aspirations.

Consider the following inquiries to aid in defining your significant dream:

  1. What activity would you be so passionate about that you’d be willing to pay for the opportunity?
  2. What are the areas that evoke intense passion within you?
  3. If you had limitless resources, what choices would you make?
  4. In a scenario where success is guaranteed, what actions would you take?
  5. What outcomes would you like to witness?
  6. What knowledge do you aspire to gain?
  7. What skills do you wish to master?
  8. How much financial prosperity would you like to achieve?
  9. What character traits do you aim to develop?
  10. What legacy or impact would you like to leave on the world?

Measure success

It’s essential to experience a continuous sense of advancement in the pursuit of our goals. We should actively seek even the smallest indicators of progress and grasp any evidence suggesting that we are on the correct path.

Consider these questions:

  • What visual cues will indicate the realization of your dream?
  • What auditory signs will you hear?

Overcoming obstacles

To guarantee that pursuing our dream contributes positively to ourselves and doesn’t harm others, it’s crucial to reflect on the following questions:

  • When contemplating this dream, is it apparent or perplexing?
  • Do I sense freedom or constraint in my emotions regarding this dream?
  • Is this dream genuinely ours, or is it influenced by someone else’s expectations?
  • What could be achieved by choosing not to pursue this dream?

Establish your objectives on the road to success

By reverse-engineering from the moment our dream is realized, we can pinpoint the essential steps we must take along the way. These steps will serve as our objectives, the pivotal milestones that will guide us toward the lifestyle we aspire to achieve.

Activate your resources

Initially, it’s imperative to compile a list of the resources already within our reach, which includes:

  1. Our skills, qualities, gifts, and talents.
  2. The people in our social circle.
  3. The financial resources and credit available to us.
  4. Our existing assets.

And put it all together to ACT!

By amalgamating all these components, we will have a clear sense of the path to follow. We would have not only defined our significant dream but also established criteria to recognize when it materializes. Identifying all the pivotal milestones that need to be reached and surpassed is part of this process. Crucially, we must set specific timeframes for our grand dream to effectively plan and execute the necessary steps. The most crucial part now is to put this knowledge into action!


5th day: A solid foundation

The chapter is aptly subtitled “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” Drawing on medical studies, the author emphasizes that an inappropriate response to stress is a primary cause of poor health. While stress once served as a survival alert, the sources of stress in contemporary life often differ, requiring continuous adaptation by both the body and mind.

Contrary to the notion of avoiding stress, Paul McKenna advocates learning to manage and cope with anxiety when stress arises. He laments that most stress studies predominantly focus on reducing exposure to stress and adapting responses positively, often through relaxation techniques or prescription drugs.

In drawing a parallel with marathon runners, McKenna contends that the most effective way to bolster our resistance to stress involves counterbalancing stressful situations with periods of high-quality recovery. To enhance our stress resilience, the author presents five techniques for consideration.

The author offers five techniques to strengthen our resistance to stress:

  • The Costs of a Recharge:

When we start daydreaming, our body signals the need to relax, recharge, and rebuild strength. This rejuvenation can occur anywhere, even at work.

  • Physical Exercise is Essential:

Scientifically proven to significantly reduce depression, regular physical exercise is crucial for stress resilience.

  • Energy Food:

The author emphasizes our body’s ability to identify its nutritional needs. He encourages paying attention to subtle sensations after meals, suggesting a self-test: eating food we love and observing our mood and clarity afterward.

  • The Power of Laughter:

Smiling releases serotonin, often referred to as the “chemical substance of happiness,” into the brain. Cultivating a sense of humor is emphasized, along with the ancient Taoist technique called the inner smile.

  • Believe in Your Own Health:

The author underscores the power of belief in achieving success, drawing parallels with the Placebo effect. Trusting in our actions and recognizing the innate healing capabilities of our immune system contribute significantly to well-being.

The chapter concludes with visualization techniques, encouraging readers to envision a future where they possess a healthy mind and body.

Change Your Life in 7 Days: 6th day: Earning money

Authentic wealth encompasses good health, genuine happiness, and meaningful connections with friends and family—those who bring joy, inspiration, and intrigue into our lives. The core value lies in experiencing happiness and contributing positively to the world, knowing that our life holds significance. While money is a part of this equation, according to Paul McKenna, its accumulation is intricately tied to a sense of self-trust.

McKenna delves into the concept of the “law of reversed effort,” emphasizing that resistance to certain ideas can perpetuate them. Unconscious beliefs about money can act as obstacles, hindering prosperity. Conversely, the “Law of Attraction” suggests that focusing regularly on positive aspects leads to greater achievements.

Individuals concentrating on the positive aspects of their lives are often perceived as fortunate, reaping more of the good things they focus on. To cultivate this mindset, the author advocates creating an awareness of wealth by envisioning oneself as abundantly rich. He introduces the concept of a wealth album—an assortment of images representing desired goals, places to visit, and people to meet—a practice readers are encouraged to adopt.

Crucially, McKenna stresses the need to disassociate the capacity to generate income from the method of doing so. Equating time to earnings, he argues, is an inadequate approach, as true wealth is intertwined with the ability to provide superior services and products to customers. Money, in this context, is a reward for delivering value to others.

Here are four fundamental principles for increasing income by adding value:

  • Stand Out:

The more distinctive you are, the greater the returns you’ll receive.

  • Reach:

Increasing the number of people who value your product directly correlates with earning more money.

  • Impact:

Enhancing customers’ lives leads to greater returns; the more impact you have, the more you can earn.

  • Perception:

Only perceived value can be exchanged for tangible money; working tirelessly in anonymity does not lead to wealth.

Additionally, it’s crucial to monitor and manage your finances effectively. Paul McKenna concludes the chapter by sharing his 10 keys to success:

  1. Take immediate control of your financial situation.
  2. Save first, spend only what you can genuinely afford.
  3. Study successful individuals.
  4. Build up your financial reserves.
  5. Embrace the 80/20 rule.
  6. Approach life with enthusiasm every day.
  7. Demand compensation commensurate with your worth.
  8. Regularly practice the techniques from “Change Your Life in 7 Days.”
  9. Commence celebrating your life today.
  10. Keep moving forward.

In conclusion, the author shares a pertinent quote attributed to Calvin Coolidge: “Nothing in the world can replace persistence. Not talent, not genius, not education; only persistence and determination are omnipotent.”

greece trip

Change Your Life in 7 Days: 7th day: Happy for the rest of life 

Your happiness is not a mere product; it is a state encompassing both physical and mental well-being. According to the author, happiness is fundamentally a CHOICE! Despite this, many individuals erect obstacles to their own happiness, erroneously believing there are situations where happiness is unattainable, such as following the loss of a loved one. Abraham Lincoln aptly expressed, “Most people are as happy as they decide to be.” The power to be happy resides in each person’s individual choice.

Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihali, with over 30 years devoted to studying happiness, identifies 8 characteristics intricately connected to feelings of joy, happiness, and satisfaction. These catalysts for happiness include:

  • Clear Goals:

The ability to turn any task into an enjoyable experience by infusing energy and enthusiasm, transforming even mundane tasks into meaningful endeavors.

  • Instant Feedback:

Constant awareness that one is on the right path toward a goal, fostering a sense of progress.

  • Focus on the Current Task:

The ability to concentrate on the present task, immersing oneself in the moment.

  • Likelihood of Success:

Confidence in the capability to accomplish set projects or tasks.

  • Total Engagement:

Engaging in activities for the pleasure they bring rather than solely for anticipated results.

  • Loss of Self-Awareness:

When fully absorbed in a beloved experience, the rewards are heightened, regardless of external perceptions.

  • Feeling of Control:

Taking charge of even the simplest aspects of one’s environment, enhancing the probability of experiencing daily happiness.

  • Altered Perception of Time:

Choosing activities that make time seem to fly, aligning with Albert Einstein’s perspective on time perception.

Above all, more powerful than the preceding eight traits, is the sensation of alignment when something feels unequivocally right. This occurs when there is a balance between the perceived challenge and one’s ability to meet it — a state where individuals feel capable and ready to face the challenges before them.

And the keyword to that is PERCEPTION!

This approach enables the transformation of fear into a positive experience. Here are two straightforward techniques that can shift the onset of panic or helplessness:

  • Adjust Ambitions:

Begin by lowering our ambitions, focusing on a target within our reach. As confidence in our abilities grows, gradually expand our limits to achieve the original goals we set.

  • Reflect on Past Successes:

Direct attention to past successes. By concentrating on what has proven effective, our confidence in our capabilities increases, enhancing the likelihood of achieving the desired outcome.

Ultimately, one of the most valuable pieces of advice from Paul McKenna is to maintain happiness just below the surface—an underlying sense that life is positive, our unconscious is supportive, and challenges can be overcome with a positive and rational approach. As Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihali concludes, “Every day the happy person does something difficult.” McKenna concludes the chapter by differentiating between pleasure and satisfaction.

Pleasure provides the body with enjoyable sensations, while satisfaction gratifies the soul.

In the concluding section of the book, Paul McKenna introduces a daily exercise designed to train for success. This routine, initially taking 15 minutes and eventually less than 5 minutes, aims to progressively cultivate positive suggestions in our minds. The goal is to enhance our energy and motivation, ultimately leading to increased happiness, strength, creativity, and an overall improvement in our lives.

Conclusion of “Change Your Life In Seven Days”

Upon initial inspection, “Change Your Life In Seven Days” may appear excessively abstract and may not resonate with everyone. Particularly for those who harbor skepticism toward the concept of visualization, embracing the benefits of the author’s numerous exercises might be challenging. This book is not merely for reading; it is, above all, a book for active practice.

Individuals who are resistant to change and set in their ways may hesitate to explore it. However, for those who approach the exercises with sincerity, they hold the potential to bring about profound transformation. These practices gradually provide a new perspective on life, offering the chance to alter its trajectory through diverse experiences. “Change Your Life In Seven Days” goes beyond setting transient goals; it invites readers to delve into their inner selves, providing an opportunity for profound self-discovery.

“Change Your Life In Seven Days” possesses notable strengths that contribute to its effectiveness. The book stands out for its extremely practical and precise exercises, offering readers tangible tools for self-improvement. Moreover, it delves into a thorough study that prompts individuals to explore inner answers, making the experience highly personal. Despite its abstract nature, the writing style is pleasant and easily readable, further enhancing the accessibility of the content. The inclusion of real-life stories and anecdotes serves as excellent illustrations, particularly for more complex passages. What sets this book apart is its lasting impact; it becomes more than a read-and-forget experience, finding a place on readers’ bedside tables for years. It becomes a source to revisit, offering guidance and motivation over time as individuals strive to achieve their life goals.

However, “Change Your Life In Seven Days” does have some limitations that may affect its universal appeal. Notably, the book requires a belief in the power of self-suggestion and visualization to fully engage with the exercises. Consequently, its effectiveness may be more pronounced among individuals who already embrace the principles of self-help. Additionally, the title’s promise of changing one’s life in seven days might be seen as unrealistic by some. The author’s suggestion of a more gradual transformation over the course of several years may resonate better with those who recognize that personal development is an ongoing process. While the book offers a multitude of insights, implementing all the suggested changes within such a short timeframe may seem impractical and potentially overwhelming. Each reader may need to navigate the content at their own pace, extracting relevant portions and exercises when they become personally significant, rather than attempting to overhaul their entire life in a week.


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