
sitraka ratsimba about



I help aspiring entrepreneurs who aren't satisfied with their lives to create automated online businesses so they can enjoy financial and geographical freedom


My name is Sitraka Ratsimba, an enthusiastic digital nomad and citizen of the world. I became a full time blogger and business coach when I left my job a year ago.

But prior to that, I lived in the corporate world, stuck in the rat race and working my way up the success ladder as most people do. 

Maybe just like you, I have always dreamt of starting my own business, gaining financial freedom and traveling all around the world.

Due to the huge capital it entails, it never pushed through as I needed to pay the bills and I cannot afford to risk anything.

My environment never encouraged me to start my own business. I worked from 09:00 am until 06:00 pm with only a 1 hour break. I seriously considered leaving the company, but I knew I wouldn’t have anyone to hire me with my professional experience at that time. Where I was born, 80% of the population live less than 2$ a day defining the extreme poverty line. Multinationals outsource almost everything to where I live as we’ve got a qualified young workforce and extremely cheap cost of labor.

I am passionate about personal development. 

Digital marketing specialist and personal development addict

In Chinese we say: 千里之行,始於足下 (qianli zhixing, shiyu zuxia) or "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Hi, this is Sitraka Ratsimba and I am a digital marketing specialist currently based in Madagascar. I would like to focus more on business and entrepreneurship. I am passionate about Self-development, business, books, hiking and tea.

There is a notion called Ikigaï in Japan, Dharma in the Vedic philosophy but put simply it is our life purpose. Referred as your life mission, it is the mix of what you love doing, what you are good at and what others could benefit from you.

Sitraka Ratsimba ikigai

I discovered that I love public speaking, I live to grow and I love to inspire others. At some point in my life, I asked whether life has a meaning or not. It indeed has a meaning, but most importantly, we can create a meaning to ourselves. Talking about contributions and giving value, I believe I can contribute most by sharing knowledge, experiences, stories and real-case examples to coach and inspire others. 

I come from Madagascar -and English is only my 3rd language. I can speak 5 languages (English, French, Malagasy, Chinese Mandarin and German). As a learner, the process of learning thrills me. I read hundreds of books but never had the chance to focus and share what I learned. This is why I created this website.

Passion about Digital Marketing

I love self development, growth and books. I spend most of my time either reading non-fiction books or watching videos of successful people (TEDx, Biographies and documentaries). My plan is to focus more on business development, in which being a digital Marketing specialist is a must!  In the long run, I would like to know more about computer science.

Sitraka Ratsimba

Languages and public speaking

I've always dreamt about being as natural as when I speak my mother tongue in the mentioned languages. Starting with English, I feel that it's a long journey. I love reminding myself that a foreign language opens up a new world. This is why I still learn, read and am in contact with people from different cultures and different backgrounds. We are one!

My vision

Imagine that...What if?

I recently saw Naveen Jain's lifestyle and TEDx videos, I noticed how much he likes to use these two sentences: Imagine that... What if? Yes, what if we inspire others with what we do? Imagine a world where everyone contributes into something and learn, grow, support each other on their own journey.

My ultimate goal is to be financially free by becoming a serial entrepreneur. Only after this would I free my time and focus on what I love the most: teaching!

I have many role models such as Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Stephen Covey, Steve Pavlina, Yaro Starak, Tim Ferriss, Dan Lok, Olivier Roland, Lukas Mankow and just so many but all of them are involved in coaching, business and mentoring.

You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great (Zig Ziglar)