tony robbins unlimited power summary

A Brief Summary of Tony Robbins' Book 'Unlimited Power

Tony Robbins Unlimited Power Summary — The New Science of Personal Achievement”

In this Tony Robbins Unlimited Power Summary, you will discover that with neuro-linguistic programming techniques, you can make your life better. You can use methods that have helped others overcome similar challenges.

Anthony Robbins wrote “Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement” in 1989. 

Tony Robbins Unlimited Power Summary SECTION 1: MODELING HUMAN EXCELLENCE

  1. The commodity of kings

The individuals who attain success do not possess anything extraordinary compared to others, except for their capacity to choose their responses to the events that unfold in their lives.

The initial step is understanding your destination and desires. Establishing a clear goal is a foundational pillar of achievement.

Action follows. Once your objectives are defined, taking proactive steps toward them becomes indispensable. Even missteps can be valuable, as inaction guarantees a lack of insight into your chosen path.

Subsequently, acknowledgment of your progress in the correct direction becomes crucial.

Furthermore, a fourth step necessitates course correction and the alteration of behaviors that hinder your advancement.

To sustain progress and consistency over time, specific mechanisms and fundamental attributes are essential.

Essential components include passion, conviction, a strategic approach to resource utilization, clarity regarding personal values, and maintaining positive energy. Additionally, effective relationships and adept communication skills are crucial.

Detailed exploration of these mechanisms will follow later.

  1. The difference that makes the difference

The Art of Self-Dialogue is a two-sided tool. Auto-suggestion can transform into self-sabotage or personal excellence, contingent upon your choices.

In pursuit of transformation and personal greatness, the author turned to neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

Neuro-linguistic programming seeks to dissect the mechanisms that contribute to behavior change and then model these very mechanisms. Essentially, it creates fundamental models that can be universally applied.

Humans learn through imitation and action. By adopting these models of success in your unique context, life-altering change becomes feasible. Consistency and rigor are vital prerequisites, however.

Regardless of the aspect of life you wish to enhance, identifying a model for emulation is paramount. Subsequently, you tailor it to your individual circumstances.

The guide of “Unlimited Power” empowers you to fashion your personal models.

To yield outcomes through the emulation of models, absorption of the following is essential:

  • The model’s belief system,
  • Their cognitive organization,
  • Physiology, since physical behavior impacts cognitive processes.

Comparing your practices to those of your chosen models is crucial. As discussed in the preceding section, retain effective approaches and replace those leading you astray.

  1. The power of state

Our actions hinge upon our mental and emotional state, which, in turn, is influenced by internal perceptions and physiological factors.

Assimilating internal perceptions often stems from imitating a model. For instance, I was raised in an environment that discouraged emotional expression. Suppression of feelings to avoid conflict became the norm. Consequently, my approach to conflict resolution involves avoidance and concealment of emotions, even today.

This predisposes emotions to accumulate and eventually surface in inappropriate contexts.

Physiology also shapes perception; your perspective varies when you’re unwell versus in good health.

We possess conscious control over how we perceive reality. Through understanding the triggers of various states, we can master them. With practice, we can even learn to deliberately position ourselves in desired emotional states.

  1. The birth of excellence: belief

Our behaviors are molded by our beliefs.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

— Henry Ford, “My Life and Work,” 1922

Beliefs themselves can be shaped by five contributing factors:

– Environment (social, cultural, familial, etc.): Growing up in a family where security and caution were paramount might lead to a natural aversion to taking risks.

– Events: Experiencing heightened stress following incidents like the attacks in Paris, Nice, Brussels, or elsewhere is a testament to events impacting beliefs.

– Knowledge: Gaining beliefs through reading, such as by immersing oneself in biographies, contributes to belief formation.

– Previous results: Succeeding once increases the likelihood of success in subsequent endeavors due to past accomplishment.

– Anticipated experience: Envisioning success in the future tricks the brain into believing it’s a reality, enabling the recreation of that success.


Encouragingly, beliefs are within your control and can be transformed. Through reading, listening, and contemplation, you can adopt the beliefs of those who have achieved what you aspire to.


Here are three pivotal questions to reflect upon:

What beliefs do you hold about your identity and capabilities?

Which beliefs have hindered your progress in the past?

What positive beliefs can propel you toward your objectives?

  1. The seven lies of success

Certainty eludes us regarding the absolute truth of our beliefs. An open-mindedness to alternate perspectives is crucial. They may differ from yours, possibly seeming like falsehoods, yet this doesn’t denote their falsehood.

Here are seven “fallacies” — beliefs gathered by the author from successful individuals:

Every event carries a purpose and should serve us: We possess the authority to determine our responses to life’s occurrences.

Failure is a concept void of reality; outcomes alone hold substance. Viewing failure as a result, not an inherent flaw, diffuses its emotional impact.

Irrespective of circumstances, assume responsibility for your reactions. Your response to external events lies within your control.

Comprehension isn’t a prerequisite for utilization. Distinguish between essential understanding and unnecessary comprehension.

Human beings are a boundless resource. Respecting others enhances our likelihood of triumph.

Work is a game: Infuse the enthusiasm you have for games into your work, enhancing your odds of success.

Enduring success necessitates commitment. Once a goal is defined, complete dedication becomes imperative.

This list isn’t exhaustive. Some notions may resonate, others may not.

We possess the freedom to sever ties with negative beliefs, replacing them with positive ones akin to those discussed.


Summary of Tony Robbins' Unlimited Power


  1. Mastering your mind: how to run your brain

Transitioning into practicality, the author introduces NLP exercises to recalibrate your internal interpretation of past experiences, either enhancing or diminishing their impact.

With eyes closed, recall a memory with vivid detail, engaging your senses extensively. Amplify sensory aspects if it’s a positive memory (e.g., enhancing image clarity, sounds, physical sensations, scents). This amplification elevates the associated feeling’s significance.

Conversely, reducing pain tied to a negative memory involves recalling sensory specifics, then diminishing them. Shrink the mental image, lower the volume, soften physical sensations, etc.

Precision in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic details enhances the effectiveness of the exercise.

Another intriguing concept in this chapter is the malleability of what’s pleasant or unpleasant. Such preferences are learned and can be reshaped.

Understanding how emotions function rather than pinpointing their causes facilitates change. For instance, when a depressed individual conveyed their state, the author delved into how they experienced depression—unveiling mental images and physical actions associated with it.

Since causes often lie externally, manipulating these internal images and actions can lead to transformation.”

  1. The syntax of success


The structure underlying our actions is akin to a blueprint for organization—a recipe stipulating the order of ingredient addition.

Our behavior’s orchestration hinges upon a strategy, a structure composed from our internal and external senses.

Your encounter can be visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.

Imagine a steamy, glistening waffle—crispy on the outer layer, warm and gooey within. Perhaps this imagery sparks a waffle craving.

What occurred was that the brief description triggered a visual external (Ve) stimulus as you read the words. Subsequently, you might have envisioned savoring the waffle in your thoughts—a visual internal representation (Vi). Following this, you internally remarked, “I’d like to get myself a waffle.” This internal voice signifies auditory internal (Ai). Lastly, the intense yearning could drive you to check for a nearby waffle stand—a kinesthetic external (Ke) experience.

The blueprint of your syntax is Ve-Vi-Ai-Ke. For instance, if instead of articulating “I desire a waffle,” you simply feel your stomach rumbling, the Ai could shift to Ki, or kinesthetic internal.

The central concept in this chapter underscores that understanding your own or another’s strategy facilitates enhanced self-communication or interpersonal exchange.

You will discern the syntax that triggers a response.

  1. How to elicit someone’s strategy

To uncover someone’s blueprint, observe them—therein lie ample hints, conveyed through their gaze, words, or gestures, about their communication modality.

Whether you incline towards visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, your classification isn’t rigid; however, a dominant system typically exists.

This dominant system is what we aim to identify through observation. Eye movements can offer insight into another person’s primary communication method.

For instance, if I ask you to recall your ringtone, your eyes might fleetingly shift leftward.

For most individuals, recalling information prompts this specific eye movement.

Likewise, when recollecting an image, eyes move upward and left. (Consider the color of buses in your locality.)

For visual and auditory constructs or imagined scenarios, the movements will lean rightward.

And for kinesthetic experiences (sensations and emotions), the movements will be downward and rightward…


NLP suggests these patterns are inverted for left-handed individuals.

Associated State

Unveiling someone’s blueprint necessitates them being in an “associated” state—reliving an experience and detailing it via visual, auditory, and kinesthetic criteria.

By recognizing which stimuli wield the most influence during their experienced state, we glean insights into their strategy.

To access a desired state, external stimuli, such as an image or a sound, are followed by internal cues.

Recall our earlier discussions?

Our goal is to identify the external and internal triggers that underpin an individual’s communication strategy.

Hence, we require precise intel about the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic sub-elements within their mental representation—specifics like illumination, hues, rhythm, tone, temperature, and texture.

For example, to kindle motivation in someone, you prompt them to mentally relive a past encounter, summoning back images, sounds, and sensations they felt.

By decoding this data and recognizing their dominant system, you can rouse their motivation in fresh contexts.


This extends to matters of the heart! Just as you hold a strategy to stimulate motivation, you possess a distinct one for love. One person might feel cherished through a specific gaze, while another responds to verbal expressions.

As we’ve noted, reaching a sought-after state involves syntax and internal representation.

However, as elucidated in the opening of Chapter 3, physiology also plays a role…”

  1. Physiology: the avenue of excellence

Mind and body are intricately connected.

An emotion and internal representation can initiate a physiological response. Conversely, this relationship operates in reverse as well.

For instance, stand tall, shoulders squared, and head held high. Inhale deeply, feeling your lungs and abdomen fill with air, then exhale. Take a few steps. How do you feel?

Our physiology shapes our beliefs and vice versa.

Alignment between verbal communication and body language holds significance. If you proclaim feeling fantastic while clenching your teeth and furrowing your brows, credibility might be in question.

Similarly, declaring “I will succeed” while conjuring an image of teetering on a precipice might jeopardize your chances of success.

By mimicking the physiology of someone you admire, you can evoke the emotions necessary for attaining the desired state.

Physiology hinges on a series of internal choices altering your posture, vocal tone, and more.

Yet, another factor emerges: the sustenance you provide your body…

  1. Energy: the fuel of excellence

To attain robust physiology and optimal energy, adhering to seven pivotal principles is paramount. Of course, successful implementation is the prerequisite.

Consider setting a 30-day challenge to test a new routine’s effectiveness. If skepticism lingers, firsthand experience is the ultimate verifier.

These principles are rooted in ‘natural hygiene.’ Let’s explore them.


Oxygen is vital for blood circulation and lymph movement, essential for toxin elimination.

Many of us undermine the importance of breathing technique. Deep breathing and physical activity stimulate lymphatic drainage effectively.

Adequate oxygen intake sustains cellular health and averts cancer cell accumulation.

The author’s recommended exercise involves inhaling deeply for 1 beat, holding breath for 4 beats, and exhaling for 2 beats. For instance: 2 seconds inhale – 8 seconds hold – 4 seconds exhale. Or 4 – 16 – 8.


Repeat this cycle 10 times, thrice a day.


The human body consists of 70% water. Hence, nourishing it with a matching 70% water content is essential!

The objective isn’t consuming as much water as possible in a day; rather, choose water-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, and salads…

The body’s internal water is its foremost detoxification tool. Accumulated toxins breed ailments.

Food Combination

Different foods necessitate distinct digestion environments.

Carbohydrates require alkaline conditions, while proteins thrive in an acidic milieu.

The predicament arises when these environments counteract each other, slowing or even halting digestion. Picture the fermentation within your digestive tract during a several-hour interruption in digestion.

Crucially, consume foods with low water content in isolation during a meal—be it meat or potatoes. Mixing them exhausts energy on digestion.



This isn’t an enigma: for good health, moderation in eating is imperative.

Pursuing the three preceding principles enhances bodily function, reducing the impulse to overindulge.

If you’re inclined to eat more, focus on water-rich foods.



Fruits are rich in water and fructose, which transforms into glucose—fueling the brain.

Fruits are easily digestible, provided the stomach is empty. If consumed alongside other foods, fermentation occurs.

Consume fresh fruit on an empty stomach or savor freshly squeezed juice. Wait ten or twenty minutes before consuming anything else. This permits fruit to transit through the stomach, releasing sugar into the intestines.


The Protein Misconception

Our protein requirements are often overstated. Moreover, sources of protein are not always where we assume.

Protein serves as the body’s ultimate energy source, following glucose from fruits, vegetables, sprouted grains, starch, and fats.

Protein isn’t exclusively found in meat; in fact, it’s one of the poorest sources. It’s not about quantity; it’s about health!

Meat contains substantial uric acid, responsible for gout and kidney stones. The body struggles to eliminate this acid, and a single serving of meat can induce excessive uric acid accumulation.

Dairy products also contain protein, with similarly negative impacts.

It’s wiser to seek protein from vegetables, which also furnish essential calcium.


Vitamins and Supplements

Vitamins in tablet form are isolated from their natural context and may not optimally impact the body.

It’s preferable to acquire them in living form, particularly from fruits and vegetables.

The author advocates a trial of these principles for a certain duration to gauge their efficacy. The promise is tangible transformation.

Personally, I undertook this 30-day challenge, a cost-free endeavor. The potential gains are immense.”


Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins:



  1. Limitation disengage: what do you want?

Boarding a taxi without conveying a destination ensures you won’t reach your intended endpoint.

Our personal resources function optimally when directed by a goal. Success stems from objectives, projects, and plans that lead to it.

Having a clear life direction is pivotal, with the potential to yield material and immaterial outcomes.

The author outlines five guiding principles to establish effective goals:


Express what you want using positive language, focusing on desires rather than what you wish to avoid.

Articulate your objectives precisely, utilizing sensory details.

Incorporate measurable parameters for tracking progress.

Retain personal control over your goals.

Ensure that your goals are mutually beneficial.

For external accomplishments, you must first internalize success. Overcoming limiting beliefs is essential to this process.


To assist with this, undertake an exercise that may require time but promises value:

Catalog all the aspirations—be, do, have—without concerning yourself with the ‘how.’ Allow 15 minutes to note every facet of life.

Estimate time needed for each objective, establishing initial and final steps.

Choose the four most significant goals for the forthcoming year and elucidate their significance.

Adhere to the five guiding principles from earlier in this chapter; alter goals that deviate from them.

Identify internal and external resources that support your goals.

Reflect on instances when you successfully utilized these resources.

Determine the qualities, values, and behaviors necessary to achieve each objective.

Identify limiting beliefs hindering your progress.

Construct a step-by-step action plan for the four major goals, initiating the first step today.

Select three models—personal acquaintances or not—who’ve achieved your desired outcomes and can serve as inspiration.

Craft a vivid, sensory description of your ideal day upon attaining your goals.

Define your ideal environment.

Our brains demand a precise blueprint to propel us towards a goal.


Without a personal project, you become part of another’s plan.

Tony Robbins suggests revisiting this exercise periodically to assess and add new goals.

Lastly, compile a list of previously accomplished goals that brought you happiness.


  1. The power of precision

Our language shapes our thinking, influencing our beliefs.

Whether communicating internally or externally, precision in language is crucial.

If you want something, ask for it straightforwardly.

When pursuing your goals, you might need to solicit favors, advice, or tips. Often, requesting assistance is misconstrued as a sign of weakness.


Follow these five rules to request without diminishing your worth:

Frame your request with specificity and detail—what, how much, by when, and how.

Seek help from those capable of assisting, rather than those unable to contribute.

Offer reciprocation—identify a service or benefit you can provide in return.

Project conviction. Doubt within yourself will breed skepticism in others.

Persist until you achieve results. Pivot, alter your approach, approach different individuals, but don’t desist until you attain your request.


Precision minimizes misunderstandings. Employ the following advice to eradicate assumptions and enhance precision:

Avoid generalizations. Phrases like ‘always’ or ‘never’ can lead you astray. Pause and reflect when using such terms.

Correct common generalizations with precision-oriented questions:

Assumption Precision

“I can’t…” What if you could?

“I should…”, “I have to…” Who’s imposing this?

“I shouldn’t…” What’s holding you back?

Verbs How specifically?

Names, “we” Who or what exactly?

“Too…”, “Too expensive” Compared to what?

To put it succinctly:


How do you know what you know?

Who’s prompting your expressions?

Prefer ‘how’ over ‘why.’


Precision’s influence rests on asking pertinent questions, shaping goals with clarity.


  1. The magic of rapport

Disparities breed disagreements, while commonalities foster rapport.

For effective communication, forging rapport is paramount.

NLP introduces the ‘mirroring’ technique—emulating another’s posture, gestures, and voice, subtly and without mockery.

Resemblance breeds camaraderie, and you can cultivate and control this likeness, fostering affable sentiments.

Often, those who clash emphasize differences despite shared attributes.

Prior chapters demonstrated that internal representation hinges on sensory input. Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic cues (even taste and smell) prompt internal responses.

Visual individuals typically speak swiftly and chest-breathe, while auditory types adopt measured breathing and a balanced voice. Kinesthetic individuals favor a deep, slow, resonant tone.

This information is not exhaustive. Aligning your behavior with another’s, especially according to their sensory inclinations, cultivates rapport and augments communication.

This principle applies to education as well. Educators who focus solely on theory without establishing rapport struggle to convey information effectively.

Students thrive when teachers bridge their worlds, demonstrating understanding.

This approach isn’t rigid—it requires finesse, the hallmark of effective communication.”


  1. Distinctions of excellence: metaprograms

To enhance communication and persuasion, it’s crucial to consider how others process information.

These “keys” that everyone uses to interpret information are called metaprograms.

These are valuable in interpersonal communication, sales, and even self-communication.

Seek pleasure or avoid pain

The first metaprogram decides whether someone moves toward something or away from it. For instance, you might eat cake to try a new bakery or simply to avoid hunger.

Curious risk-takers usually move toward interests, while cautious individuals lean toward protection.


Internal and external reference frames

You might consider your last project a success.

But how do you determine success?


Maybe you rely on compliments from others—this is an external frame.

Or if you inherently know you succeeded without external validation, your frame is internal.

This metaprogram distinguishes between internal and external judgments.

When someone has an external frame, use social evidence to persuade. For internal frames, reference their knowledge or experience.

Self-interest or others

Some act for their benefit, ignoring others’.

But others prioritize others’ interests.

For instance, a self-focused doctor might disregard a patient. Such a doctor should consider research instead. Let someone interested in others handle patient care.


Associate or differentiate

When comparing objects, you can associate similarities or differentiate solely based on your metaprogram.

Associators see relationships due to similarities, while differentiators spot differences.

Associators build rapport due to resemblance. Differentiators uncover unique insights, aiding associators in avoiding pitfalls.


Persuasion strategy

Discover the sensory triggers and frequency for others.

Some people need lots of proof to be convinced, while others require less.

Certain people are swayed by loyalty or love proofs. Some constantly require persuasion, even if they already bought something.


Potential and necessity

This metaprogram separates those attracted to novelty from those comfortable with the familiar.


Influenced by possibilities, some embrace change and challenges.


Necessity-driven people accept what’s needed, preferring regularity.


Work style

Are you better alone, in a group, or a mix? Knowing others’ work styles aids communication.


Some prefer autonomy, while others emphasize cooperation.


The “proximity” strategy combines both approaches.



These metaprograms aren’t exhaustive.

For instance, some rely on feelings, others on logic.

Some prefer specifics, others generalize.

Some start things but lose interest, others see things through.

Many metaprograms are discovered through communication and self-observation, the first step toward change.


Tony Robbins' Unlimited Power: Summary and Essential Insights


  1. How to handle resistance and solve problems

Problem-solving demands flexibility. Flexibility principles reduce resistance, enhance confidence, and mitigate conflict.

Instead of a confrontation, establish common ground. Replacing “but” with “and” during disagreements helps.

Saying “Yes, you’re right, and…” creates agreement, respect, and receptivity.

Secondly, surprise breaks patterns.

For example, if someone complains, respond with humor rather than agreement.

Surprises, especially humorous ones, challenge beliefs and regain control over behavior and emotions.


  1. Reframing: the power of perspective

To change patterns and behaviors, find positivity in negatives.

Patterns can shift through context or content changes.

Negative situations can be viewed positively in a different context.

You can also reframe by altering content significance. Thomas Edison saw thousands of failed attempts as progress toward success.

“I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

To change behavior, identify needs and replace old behavior with more beneficial alternatives.

We’re responsible for our reactions and behaviors.

Recognizing this empowers change.


  1. Anchoring yourself to success

We can change behaviors and trigger feelings on purpose using something called anchoring points.

An anchoring point is a way to create a specific feeling by using a touch, word, or smell. For example, certain songs can make you feel sad or motivated.

Imagine a song that always makes you feel motivated. This song is like an anchor for that feeling.

Anchors can be created unconsciously, but NLP suggests doing it intentionally. There are four important things to make this work well:

The anchor works better when you’re in a strong emotion.

The thing that triggers the anchor should happen at the peak of that emotion.

The trigger should be something unique or unusual, not just a common action like a handshake.

Repeating the trigger several times helps it work better.

The goal is to change a negative feeling or behavior into a positive one.



We follow rules when we measure our successes and failures. Rules that guide our choices in every area of life.

  1. Value hierarchies: the ultimate judgement of success

Our successes and failures are guided by certain rules we have. These rules are like a value system, which isn’t always conscious. When we become aware of these rules, we can control them better and understand ourselves and others.

Our values come from our upbringing, like how our family and school rewarded us for following their values. We also adopt values from people we admire.

Understanding your values and others’ values can help avoid conflicts, even if you don’t share the same values.

To figure out your values:

Identify what’s most important to you in different areas of your life.

  • Ask yourself why it’s important.
  • Then ask why that answer is important.
  • Compare the importance of these things to establish a hierarchy.
  • To understand your values even more, think about what needs to happen to satisfy those values.


  1. The five keys to wealth and happiness

There are five keys that can help you move towards success and happiness:

Handle Frustration: Frustration is unavoidable, but you can use it to become disciplined.

Accept Refusals: Learning to deal with rejection removes the fear of asking or taking action.

Manage Finances: Smart money management can save you from many problems. Giving and saving money wisely can ease financial pressures.

Avoid Complacency: Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself to your own goals. This way, you’ll always seek self-improvement.

Give More: When you give without expecting something in return, you’ll receive in unexpected ways.


Success is a process, not just a result, and giving can lead to receiving in unexpected ways.


  1. Trend creation: the power of persuasion

Mass communication, like propaganda or advertising, uses persuasion techniques similar to those discussed in Tony Robbin’s book “Unlimited Power.”

Unfortunately, these techniques aren’t always used for good. For instance, even though smoking has no health benefits, millions of people are drawn to it due to persuasive tactics.

The core principle remains the same: you create a strong mental state to associate with a certain trigger, which then influences behavior or feelings.

Most people are influenced unconsciously by persuasion techniques that are all around us. Whether it’s choosing a restaurant with friends or guiding a child’s behavior, we’re constantly being influenced.

When we become aware of these techniques and learn to use them ourselves, we can avoid negative effects and even bring about positive change.

The main goal of “Unlimited Power” is to teach us skills to empower ourselves and others for mutual success.


The book won’t transform your life immediately. You can start by applying what you’ve learned little by little. Taking action is key, and surrounding yourself with positive people can amplify your efforts.

In conclusion, we discovered in this Tony Robbins Unlimited Power Summary a shorter version of “Unlimited Power”. The book can be powerful for personal development, even if you’re skeptical about some of the NLP techniques. It’s full of stories and exercises, making it dense but motivating. It encourages conscious change, goal-setting, and continuous improvement.

The book has strong points like being a good introduction to NLP, motivational, and applicable to everyone’s pursuit of success and happiness. However, it can also be dense and overwhelming at times, with some exercises feeling strange for those unfamiliar with NLP.


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